Course Description

Eat better, run faster is a online nutritional course that gives imperial advice to runners of all abilities.

The course covers the nine steps to success:
1. Fuelling your body: Carbohydrates
2. Drinking for speed: Hydration
3. Electrolytes
4. Isotonic drinks (sports drinks)
5. Choosing and using gels
6. Caffeine: to use it or not?
7. Recovery meal planning: Protein
8. Pre race meal planning
9. Race-day strategy

Each section consist out of numerous online videos as well as a practical worksheet. By the end of the course you will have a personalised programme that will help you to eat better and run faster.

Course curriculum

Get your personalised nutrition plan

No more hitting the wall!

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Clare Steel's take on the Eat Better, Run Faster online course

Watch Intro Video

Here is what Stephanie Dutton thought about the Eat Better, Run Faster online nutrition course


  • Who is this course for?

    This course is for anyone who would like to improve their nutrition in order to run better and prevent hitting the wall. Beginners and seasonal runners will benefit from practical tips they will learn in the course. The course is also an ongoing process which you can use year after year as you will get lifetime access to it.

  • Do you recommend specific products?

    No. We give impartial advice on products to help you understand which ingredients to look for when choosing your nutrition products.

  • Will I get bespoke nutritional advice?

    Yes. The course is designed around your specific body weight and gender. The course has a fully guided worksheet which helps you to record your findings before and after each run and guide you on how to make adjustments to improve your performance and prevent you from hitting the wall in your next long run.


Anne-Marie Lategan

Who am I, you ask? I’m a “fun run” ultra runner that juggles work, life and being a mum. My passion for understanding how the human body works has been a driving force throughout my life. Growing up in South Africa sport was just something I did, no questions ask. Just, “how can I be better at what I'm doing?” After completing my BSc honours degree in Human Movement Science and rehabilitation I relocated to England. Throughout my career in the health and fitness industry my mission is to educate and help people understand their bodies. Wether you have a niggling ache or severe injury your rehabilitation programme will take you on a journey where you will discover why you got injured and what you have to do in future to avoid getting injured again. Since the age of six I was participating in athletics. As I got older my distances increased from sprints (I can truly say I'm not a sprinter!) to ultra distances (my love and passion). Over the last six years I’ve ran twenty five ultras, a few shorter races and team events. These varies from a 230km self supported jungle ultra through the Amazon rainforest in Peru, the UTMB a 170km race around Mont Blanc (which is still my menace), Thunder Run a 24-hour race, the South Downs 50 to the much calmer Royal Parks Ultra through London. My whole life evolves around running, fitness and nutrition. I’m a UKA Coach in Running Fitness, the fitness contributor for Women’s Running magazine and also the fitness editor for for five Women’s Fitness MagBooks: Flat Belly Guide, Lose 10 Years, 10-week Fat Burn, Lose A Stone and 15-munitue Fitness. My vision for the Health and Wellbeing School is to create a virtual place where people can get impartial advice and learn new skills to improve their health, wellbeing and performance. I want everyone to develop and grow in an environment where you feel safe to make mistakes and learn from it in order to develop yourself and improve your wellbeing. I truly believe that mistakes or struggling with something are not failures but steps to success. My name is Anne-Marie Lategan and I’m excited to meet you!